गुरुवार, 30 मई 2019


OMG… बिना हल लगाए और खाद डाले उगाए औसत से ज़्यादा, समय से पहले गेहूं-जौ

पांच छोटे खेतों में जड़धारी करीब डेढ़ कुंतल गेहूं और करीब 25 किलो जौ की फसल का उत्पादन करने में सफल रहे.

from Latest News उत्तराखंड News18 हिंदी http://bit.ly/2MdQXgr

VIDEO : रेस्क्यू के बाद घायल बाघिन की मौत, सकते में कॉर्बेट प्रशासन

कॉर्बेट नेशनल पार्क में रेस्क्यू के दौरान लापरवाही से एक बाघिन की मौत हो गई. इस घटना के बाद से कॉर्बेट प्रशासन सकते में है. यह बाघिन रविवार को ढेला रेंज के अंतर्गत बांसीटीला गांव में घुस गई थी. इसे आज कॉर्बेट कर्मियों द्वारा रेस्क्यू किया गया. लेकिन यह रेस्क्यू नेशनल टाइगर कंजर्वेशन ऑथरिटी के स्टैंडर्ड मानकों के अनुसार नहीं किया गया. इस वजह से बाघिन की मौत हो गई. मौत के बाद कॉर्बेट प्रशासन इस मामले को किसी तरह रफा-दफा करने के मूड में लग रहा है. बाघिन का आनन-फानन में पोस्टमार्टम करा दिया गया और उतनी ही जल्दी इसकी चिता भी लगा दी गई. इस वजह से बाघिन की मौत पर सवाल खड़े हो गए हैं.

from Latest News उत्तराखंड News18 हिंदी http://bit.ly/2K80gM7

लालढांग-चिल्लरखाल पर निकली बीच की राह, वन विभाग लेगा आदेश वापस, शुरु होगा काम

अपर मुख्य सचिव PWD ओमप्रकाश ने कहा कि वन विभाग काम रोकने के अपने आदेश को निरस्त कर देता है तो शासन फिर काम शुरु करवा देगा.

from Latest News उत्तराखंड News18 हिंदी http://bit.ly/2QrdMvo

Loksabha Election Results 2019: इन 16 सीटों में है कांग्रेस के लिए ख़ुशख़बरी, बीजेपी के लिए चिंता

2017 विधानसभा चुनाव में कांग्रेस को मिले वोटों की इस चुनाव से तुलना करें तो पार्टी को 16 विधानसभा सीटों पर ज्यादा वोट मिले हैं.

from Latest News उत्तराखंड News18 हिंदी http://bit.ly/2EvwkWH

बीजेपी-कांग्रेस को मिले 92% वोट, अन्य दलों को जनता ने नकारा

बीजेपी और कांग्रेस को मिले वोटों के प्रतिशत ने इस बात को साबित कर दिया है कि राज्य की जनता सिर्फ भाजपा और कांग्रेस को ही पसंद कर रही है.

from Latest News उत्तराखंड News18 हिंदी http://bit.ly/2W9qrcD

Russia, Serbia blame NATO for Kosovo tensions

Russia, Serbia blame NATO for Kosovo tensionsBELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Russia and its traditional ally Serbia on Wednesday blamed NATO and the European Union for the recent increase in tensions in Kosovo, where local police launched a raid in the Serb-dominated north of the country.

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Missouri's last abortion clinic could close, making the state the only one without a facility

Missouri's last abortion clinic could close, making the state the only one without a facilityMissouri's threat to decline a license renewal may force the state's only abortion clinic to close by the end of the week, Planned Parenthood officials said.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2XbM7kL


Man sues after his face is mauled by emotional support dog on Delta Airlines flight

Man sues after his face is mauled by emotional support dog on Delta Airlines flightA man who was allegedly attacked by an emotional support dog on a Delta Airlines flight has filed a lawsuit against the airline and the owner of the animal.Marlin Jackson has accused both Delta and Ronald Kevin Mundy Jr, a US veteran, of negligence after he was attacked while the flight was boarding in June 2017. Mr Jackson was seated in a window seat while the dog was next to him on the veteran’s lap, according to the lawsuit. The dog then attacked Mr Jackson, leaving his face permanently scarred. According to the complaint, Mr Jackson “bled so profusely that the entire row of seats had to be removed from the airplane.”“The attack was briefly interrupted when the animal was pulled away from Mr. Jackson. However, the animal broke free and again mauled Mr Jackson's face,” the lawsuit continued. The lawsuit also said Delta didn't verify the dog was trained or met the requirements of a service animal. A police report stated the Marine Corps veteran's dog was a chocolate lab pointer mix. Airlines later made changes to policies for emotional support animals following the attack, which drew national headlines in 2017.Mr Jackson has continued to endure “severe physical pain and suffering” according to the lawsuit, amid substantial medical bills and an apparent loss of income or earning potential. The lawsuit goes on to note Mr Jackson’s “entire lifestyle has been severely impaired by this attack.”Mr Jackson was reportedly travelling from Atlanta to San Diego when the attack occurred.Additional reporting by AP

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How to Pack like an Automotive Journalist

How to Pack like an Automotive Journalist

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At Least 8 Tornadoes Have Been Reported Every Day for the Last 12 Days

At Least 8 Tornadoes Have Been Reported Every Day for the Last 12 DaysAfter several quiet years, the past couple of weeks have seen an explosion of tornado activity with no end to the pattern in sight.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2wrlA7d


Satellite images show fields in northwest Syria on fire

Satellite images show fields in northwest Syria on fireNew satellite images show fields, orchards and olive groves burning in northwest Syria, where the army has waged an assault against rebels in their last major stronghold. Government air strikes, backed by Russia, have focused on the south of Idlib province and nearby parts of Hama, uprooting nearly 250,000 people. The bombing has killed 229 civilians and injured 727 others, according to the Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM) charity.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2EEb8Oi


NASA just released a hype video for a Moon mission that probably won’t happen

NASA just released a hype video for a Moon mission that probably won’t happenNASA has planned on returning to the Moon for some time now, hashing out plans for its Lunar Gateway which will eventually serve as a jumping-off point for travelers headed to the Moon's surface. Then, back in March, the current presidential administration decided it wanted NASA to complete a return to the Moon as soon as possible, offering a mere five years to complete the task.The request was, to put it bluntly, absurd. NASA doesn't have the funding to pull it off, and even if it did it would require a truly monumental effort to meet the arbitrary deadline. Despite this, Trump-appointed NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine eagerly accepted the "challenge," and while everyone waits to see whether lawmakers will provide enough cash for a Moon 2024 mission to be possible, NASA just launched a hype video of sorts to assure everyone that a 2024 Moon mission is definitely, totally happening.The video emphasizes the collaborative efforts of NASA and its international partners, which is a good thing since there's no way the United States would be able to pull off the Gateway without help from just about everyone.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9KQfnquknoWhat's so interesting about this whole thing -- aside from the fact that a million hurdles stand between NASA and a Moon mission in 2024 -- is that when Trump sent Pence to deliver the new directive to NASA back in March, he did so while dismissing the efforts of many of NASA's key allies and emphasizing the need for the U.S. to be the superior space power.Now, NASA's hype video plays up collaboration and, presumably, was made to drum up some support for the mission among those who have influence in approving the funding NASA needs to make it a reality.Could NASA pull off the Moon 2024 mission? Absolutely, but the most important factors in whether it will even have the chance (like funding) are almost entirely out of its control. If the mission falls through it likely won't be because of a shortcoming on NASA's part, but because the demand was never realistic in the first place.The Lunar Gateway will be built, that much is certain. Whether it's built in time for the Moon 2024 mission, and whether that mission ever even comes close to happening at all, remains to be seen.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2JKWwka


Vatican corrects omission in pope's quote about McCarrick

Vatican corrects omission in pope's quote about McCarrickVATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican communications office on Wednesday corrected the Italian transcript of Pope Francis' comments about disgraced ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Earlier, it had omitted Francis' claim that he didn't remember if he had been told in 2013 of McCarrick's penchant for sleeping with seminarians.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2MpGSNc


Open Hatch Nearly Sunk India's New $3 Billion Nuclear Missile Submarine

Open Hatch Nearly Sunk India's New $3 Billion Nuclear Missile SubmarineIt isn't hard to sink a submarine, it would seem. The modern submarine is not a simple machine. A loss of propulsion, unexpected flooding, or trouble with reactors or weapons can doom a sub crew to a watery grave.Also, it’s a good idea to, like, close the hatches before you dive.(This article originally appeared at Task & Purpose. Follow Task & Purpose on Twitter. This article first appeared in 2018.)Call it a lesson learned for the Indian navy, which managed to put the country’s first nuclear-missile submarine, the $2.9 billion INS Arihant, out of commission in the most boneheaded way possible.The Hindu reported yesterday that the Arihant has been out of commission since suffering “major damage” some 10 months ago, due to what a navy source characterized as a “human error” — to wit: allowing water to flood to sub’s propulsion compartment after failing to secure one of the vessel’s external hatches.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2HGktqD


Hong Kong Rejects U.S. Warning on Ship Breaching Iran Sanctions

Hong Kong Rejects U.S. Warning on Ship Breaching Iran SanctionsThe city’s government has “strictly” implemented United Nations Security Council sanctions, which don’t impose “any restrictions on the export of petroleum from Iran,” a spokesperson for Hong Kong’s Commerce and Economic Development Bureau said on Wednesday in response to a question about the U.S. warning. “Certain countries may impose unilateral sanctions against certain places on the basis of their own considerations,” they said.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2Mdln2a


MSNBC analyst Jason Johnson: Mnuchin 'basically' said 'I hate black people' with Harriet Tubman decision

MSNBC analyst Jason Johnson: Mnuchin 'basically' said 'I hate black people' with Harriet Tubman decisionMSNBC analyst Jason Johnson took shots at both Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, essentially calling Carson sexist and Mnuchin racist, after both came under fire by Rep. Ayanna Presley last week. Johnson took a shot at Mnuchin for postponing the release of a $20 bill design featuring Underground Railroad and anti-slavery icon Harriet Tubman.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2EJbtz9


Illinois House Passes Bill Repealing Partial-Birth-Abortion Ban

Illinois House Passes Bill Repealing Partial-Birth-Abortion BanThe Illinois House on Tuesday passed a bill that would repeal the state's previous partial-birth-abortion ban and require that insurance providers cover contraception and abortion services.The Reproductive Health Act, which passed 64–50, removes virtually all restrictions on late-term abortions and the penalties currently imposed on doctors who perform them. The legislation must now receive majority support in the state Senate before it can be signed into law.The bill's proponents have argued that the legislation codifies existing practice and is necessary in light of the recent passage of restrictive abortion laws in a number of Republican-controlled states, as well as the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, which many pro-choice activists are concerned might overturn Roe v. Wade.“RHA codifies our existing practices and -- and this is critical -- treats abortion care just like any other health care, because it is,” said the bill's sponsor, state representative Kelly Cassidy (D., Chicago). “Make no mistake, it doesn't end here. Since Roe was decided in 1973, our opponents have fought to impede access to care and these efforts have the greatest impact on the most vulnerable population.”Illinois Republican party chairman Tim Schneider said the legislation was reflective of the Democratic party's recent embrace of abortion extremism.“In just a few short years, the Democrat party in Illinois went from advocating ‘safe, legal and rare’ to abortion on-demand, at any time, for any reason, and funded by taxpayers,” he said in a statement. “This is not the typical pro-life vs. pro-choice debate I have been accustomed to in my lifetime. The RHA goes much further.”Six states have passed increased restrictions on abortions in recent weeks.Alabama governor Kay Ivey signed the nation's most restrictive abortion law earlier this month, effectively banning the practice entirely, including in cases of rape and incest. Ivey admitted that the law is likely unenforceable but argued it was important step toward overturning Roe V. Wade via the courts.Georgia governor Brian Kemp also recently signed a law banning abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which usually occurs around six weeks. And the last remaining abortion clinic in Missouri is about to be shuttered by state authorities who have refused to renew its license as they prepare to implement similarly restrictive legislation.

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Sears buyer Eddie Lampert wants to avoid up to $43M in severance pay from bankruptcy

Sears buyer Eddie Lampert wants to avoid up to $43M in severance pay from bankruptcyThe investor who bought Sears' assets out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy is now trying to back out of an agreement to pay severance to laid-off workers.

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PHOTOS: Tornadoes rip through Ohio and Oklahoma

PHOTOS: Tornadoes rip through Ohio and OklahomaA tornado pulverized buildings around Dayton, Ohio, early on Tuesday, injuring at least 35 people.

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Everest deaths blamed on budget firms and influx of inexperienced climbers

Everest deaths blamed on budget firms and influx of inexperienced climbersAn American mountaineer has become the 11th person in two weeks to die on Mount Everest as Sherpas and tour operators alike blame an influx of inexperienced climbers and budget tour operators for the spike in fatalities. Christopher John Kulish, 61, from Colorado, did not show any sign of distress when summiting the world’s highest mountain on Monday morning but died suddenly after descending. With a record number of climbers permitted to climb Everest this year, bottle necks have also contributed to greater exhaustion and in some instances, death. The death toll this season is the highest since 2015. The Nepalese government granted permission for 381 mountaineers to scale Everest from the southern side this spring season. Roughly 130 others will attempt to summit from the northern side in Tibet. Only around 5,000 people have climbed Everest since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay first scaled the 8,848m peak in 1953.  With a permit costing $11,000 (£8,675) to scale the mountain the increase in numbers has been attributed to the Nepalese government making money to support its economy which has been hampered by political unrest and the devastating 2015 earthquake. Is it time to ban Western travellers - and their egos - from Mount Everest? Adventure tourism also plays a vital part in financially supporting the inhabitants of remote communities in north-east Nepal. However, in permitting more summits the government has allowed dozens of local budget climbing companies to emerge who charge cheaper prices but cut corners on safety. Climbing Everest with a premium, international firm can cost up to $100,000 (£78,900) while some cut-price local mountaineers charge only a quarter of this fee. The Nepalese government has for the first time said it may reduce the number of permits given to climbers next year. A government spokesperson told the Telegraph: "There are no such plans for now but there is possibility of doing so."   “The biggest factor is that many inexperienced climbers are booking with low budget, local operators, who are not providing adequate support such as guide services, oxygen, medicines and leadership to ensure the climbers can ascend and descend safely,” said Garrett Madison, an American mountaineer specialising in Everest summits. Mr Madison led 29 people to a busy summit on May 23 where climbers say a bottleneck at the top caused people to wait for around 45 minutes in the perilous "death zone". A major clean-up operation ended with the recovery of 10,000 kilograms of rubbish and four dead bodies Credit:  NARENDRA SHRESTHA/EPA-EFE/REX While the government says it implements background checks on prospective climbers, such as only allowing those to climb with experience of a summit over 6,000m, it has been accused of turning a blind eye to those who don’t meet criteria. “I wouldn’t say that people who sign up for Everest aren’t fully prepared as they practice for years but all who are currently attempting the summit are not professional mountaineers,” said Krishma Poudel, the Manager at Peak Promotions, a company that has organised expeditions for over 25 years. Her comments were echoed by Temba Tsheri Sherpa, who leads summits at Asia Voyage. “The largest number of climbers dying this season is because they have run out of oxygen… there are too many commercial expeditions where you pay less but get less of a service and less experienced guides,” he said. “A lot of climbers don’t have enough experience and they think the climbing is easy.”  "If you want to maintain safety, the first thing is to minimise [the numbers] of climbers," Mr Tsheri Sherpa added. The Nepalese government told the Telegraph that it didn’t want to speculate on the cause of the recent spike in deaths. However, it said there was a possibility that they would reduce the number of permits given to climbers next year.  Want the best of The Telegraph direct to your email and WhatsApp? Sign up to our free twice-daily Front Page newsletter and new audio briefings. Are you an avid mountaineer? What motivates you to climb the world's tallest peaks? We want to hear from you in the comments section below.

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Landmark US opioid trial begins in Oklahoma

Landmark US opioid trial begins in OklahomaThe first civil trial that could end up holding a drug company responsible for the US opioid epidemic began Tuesday in Oklahoma, in a landmark case that might impact thousands of others like it. The bench trial pits the state of Oklahoma against Johnson & Johnson. Two other drug companies named in the lawsuit settled ahead of the trial.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2JJ2WQU


College student pleads guilty to sneaking into Mar-a-Lago

College student pleads guilty to sneaking into Mar-a-LagoWEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A college student pleaded guilty Tuesday to sneaking into Mar-a-Lago during President Donald Trump's Thanksgiving visit in a manner similar to how a Chinese national gained admission four months later.

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Today’s best deals: $7.22 Alexa smart plugs, $199 Apple Watch, $30 Fire TV Stick, 55″ 4K TV for $330, more

Today’s best deals: $7.22 Alexa smart plugs, $199 Apple Watch, $30 Fire TV Stick, 55″ 4K TV for $330, moreToday's daily deals roundup is a doozy, and it all starts with a deal that gets you top-selling Alexa and Google enabled smart plugs for just $7.22 a piece when you buy a 4-pack and use the promo code KYSCVKIE at checkout. Other highlights from Wednesday's roundup include AirPods 2 for just $139.99, SanDisk Ultra 64GB microSD cards for only $12.58 each, Fire TV Stick for $29.99 instead of $40, Fire TV Stick 4K for $39.99 instead of $50, a crazy Apple Watch Series 3 sale with prices as low as $199, a massive $80 discount on renewed Sony WH1000XM3 Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones (this deal will sell out soon, but you can also buy them new and get a free 20,000 mAh portable charger) Eufy Lumos smart LED bulbs for $11.99 each, a gorgeous 55-inch 4K TV with built-in Fire TV for just $329.99, $40 off our favorite Instant Pot, and more. See all of today's top deals below.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2HJS9DS


Democrats toughen qualifying standards for third presidential debate

Democrats toughen qualifying standards for third presidential debateSeeking to cull its crowded 2020 presidential field, the Democratic Party will make it tougher for candidates to qualify for a third debate scheduled for September. The party will require contenders to meet both a higher polling standard and a larger fundraising target, the Democratic National Committee said on Wednesday. In the first two debates, scheduled for June and July, contenders have to meet just one of the two criteria, leaving open the possibility that as many as 20 of the 24 announced Democratic candidates could be on stage.

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Boris Johnson faces court hearing for Brexit 'lies'

Boris Johnson faces court hearing for Brexit 'lies'Boris Johnson, the frontrunner to become Britain's next prime minister, must attend court over allegations that he knowingly lied during the Brexit referendum campaign, a judge announced Wednesday. Johnson, the former foreign secretary, will be summoned to appear before a court over allegations of misconduct in public office, judge Margot Coleman said in a written decision, without specifying the date. The case is over the claim that Britain sends £350 million ($440 million, 400 million euros) a week to the European Union.

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Indiana abortion: Mike Pence 'commends' Supreme Court for upholding foetal burial law

Indiana abortion: Mike Pence 'commends' Supreme Court for upholding foetal burial lawVice President Mike Pence has commended the Supreme Court for upholding a part of an Indiana law requiring the burial of foetal remains after abortions.Now he's encouraging the court to review state laws that restrict when and why an abortion can be performed, and says he hopes that "legal protections against discrimination based on sex, race, or disability will someday be extended to unborn Americans."Mr Pence signed the burial measure into law in 2016, when he was governor of Indiana.On Tuesday, the Supreme Court upheld a requirement that foetal remains must be buried or cremated after abortion.But it blocked an Indiana law barring abortions based on a foetus' sex, race or disability, prompting Mr Pence to cite Justice Clarence Thomas's position on the ruling in his hopes that Supreme Court will return to the decision.Justice Thomas joined the court in declining to review Indiana's law, but issued a 20-page statement in line with the vice president's, in which he agreed that the ruling is constitutional but condemned its practical application.He accused those who use abortion procedures, as well as birth control, of practising "eugenics.""Given the potential for abortion to become a tool of eugenic manipulation, the Court will soon need to confront the constitutionality of laws like Indiana’s," he wrote. "But because further percolation may assist our review of this issue of first impression, I join the Court in declining to take up the issue now."The Indiana law first came to the Supreme Court's docket in January, and the early summer decision marks a lengthy period of internal strife over it. Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said they would have declined to take up both aspects of the law, including the burials. Abortions rights advocates have condemned the burial law.“Today the court let another unwarranted restriction on abortion stand. While this ruling is limited, the law is part of a larger trend of state laws designed to stigmatize and drive abortion care out of reach," Jennifer Dalven, director of the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, said in a statement.

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Why these tables were empty at Chick-fil-As around the country this weekend

Why these tables were empty at Chick-fil-As around the country this weekendTo honor soldiers who died while serving in the Armed Forces, the fast food chain set up "Missing Man Tables" at locations for Memorial Day weekend.

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Dangerous tornado touches down in Kansas City; severe weather moves east into Missouri

Dangerous tornado touches down in Kansas City; severe weather moves east into MissouriA dangerous tornado touched down on the western edge of Kansas City, Kansas, forcing local residents to take shelter.

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Facebook removes accounts originating from Iran that targeted Princess Eugenie

Facebook removes accounts originating from Iran that targeted Princess EugenieFacebook accounts originating from Iran that targeted Princess Eugenie have been taken down by the social media giant. Some 51 accounts, 36 pages, seven groups and three Instagram accounts were producing "coordinated inauthentic behaviour" and have been removed. A photo of Princess Eugenie marrying Jack Brooksbank with homeless people edited into the image was used by one of the now defunct pages. It claimed that the princess "expects the taxpayer to subsidise her dream wedding, while food banks are over run", in an apparent attempt to stir up tensions among the British public. Around 21,000 people followed one or more of the pages involved, Facebook said. An example of 'coordinated inauthentic behaviour' that has been removed by the Facebook following a crackdown on accounts originating from Iran Credit: Facebook/PA Princess Eugenie has been on the receiving end of social media trolling in the past, including being targeted by users for a grammatical error in an Instagram post. In December 2016, her mother the Duchess of York pleaded with people to “stop bullying” her daughters, in a comment that was believed to be directed at those criticising their limited Royal duties. “Let's focus more on this and less on tittle-tattle gossip. Stop bullying the York family, please,” she said at a Teenage Cancer Trust event. Facebook yesterday said that the pages were removed because they were distributed with suspected malicious intent and that those behind the activity misled people about who they are and their intentions, sometimes representing themselves as journalists. Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook's head of cybersecurity, said: "We're constantly working to detect and stop this type of activity because we don't want our services to be used to manipulate people. "Policy, as is always the case with these takedowns, is we're removing these pages, groups and accounts based on their behaviour, not the content they posted. "Based on a tip shared by FireEye, a US cybersecurity firm, we conducted an internal investigation into suspected Iran-linked coordinated inauthentic behaviour and identified this activity. "We've shared our analysis with law enforcement, policymakers and industry partners." Last month it was reported that Iran carried out a number of cyber attacks on the Post Office and the UK's local government networks in the lead-up to Christmas.

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Boeing aims for first flight of 777X in late June -sources

Boeing aims for first flight of 777X in late June -sourcesSEATTLE/PARIS, May 29 (Reuters) - Boeing Co is looking to make the first test flight of its 777X twin-aisle jet as soon as late June, people familiar with the matter told Reuters on Wednesday, slightly later than the planemaker had planned, but still on track for putting the plane into airline service in 2020. Boeing hopes the new jet will extend its grip on the 'mini-jumbo' market, which it shares with rival Airbus SE's 365-seat A350-1000, and perhaps scoop up fresh orders following the demise of Airbus' A380 superjumbo. The test flight will likely be too late for Boeing to hit its previous target of flying the 777X to the Paris Air Show, which takes place June 17-23, where it had hoped to make a marketing splash in Airbus' backyard.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2WeU6RG


Melania Trump's most fashionable looks in Japan

Melania Trump's most fashionable looks in JapanMelania Trump is known for her designer taste and statement-making fashion -- and her trip to Japan this weekend was no exception.  

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Behold: Stunning renders show the iPhone 11 we wish Apple would make

Behold: Stunning renders show the iPhone 11 we wish Apple would makeApple's new iPhone 11 lineup is set to debut just over than three months from now, but a fairly complete picture has already formed. We know that this year's iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Max, and iPhone 11R will look exactly like last year's iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR from the front, with the same all-screen design interrupted by the same large notch at the top of the display. We also know that the new iPhone 11 series will feature new rear cameras on the back of each handset. The iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Max will have triple-lens cameras in a large square camera bump, while the iPhone 11R (or whatever Apple ends up calling it) will feature the same square camera bump but with only a dual-lens camera, likely the same setup that can currently be found on the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.Beyond the new cameras and a few other changes like frosted glass backs and a round mute switch, there isn't much excitement to speak of when it comes to Apple's iPhone designs in 2019. Meanwhile, Android vendors have moved past the iPhone X design they all copied last year and begun to develop some sleek new designs of their own. Samsung's Galaxy S10 lineup features a beautiful all-screen design with hole-punch cameras instead of a notch, and phones like the OnePlus 7 Pro don't even break up the screen with a hole. Instead, they feature true-all screen designs and have a selfie camera that pops up out of the top edge of the phone when needed.Apple's iPhone 11 design is indeed a bit stale in comparison, which is likely why one graphic designer took all of the leaks and rumors we've seen so far and added his own unique spin to create an iPhone 11 with a much sleeker and more modern design.The image above shows the front of Apple's current-generation iPhone XS, which looks exactly like Apple's previous-generation iPhone X from 2017. It's a fine design, and we all know that people who use a smartphone with a notch don't even notice the notch anymore after a very short time. But it has been about two years since Apple first introduced this design, so there's no question that it's feeling a bit dusty at this point. That's especially true now since so many Android phone makers have released handsets with more modern looks.Graphic designer Muhsin M. Belaal Auckburaully, who goes by DBS Designing on YouTube, seems to agree that Apple's upcoming new iPhone 11 series is a bit dated. The overall look of the phone is still gorgeous, of course, so he took the iPhone 11's design and stuck a more modern display on the front, which includes a small hole at the top for Apple's front-facing cameras rather than a large notch. Here's how it came out:Now, there's no question that a display that extends farther to the edges of the front and a hole-punch screen with a tiny hole for the cameras is a bit improvement over Apple's actual iPhone 11 design. There's also no question that it could never happen. The TrueDepth camera system Apple uses for Face ID has more components than just two tiny lenses like the ones we see above, so it needs much more room.Around back, the graphic designer's iPhone 11 mockup looks exactly like the real thing, but he decided to add a fourth camera lens in the bottom-right corner of the square camera bump. We're not sure why, considering that there will be a rear-facing microphone there to capture audio for videos and Live Photos, but it doesn't really change the overall look of the phone.You can find more images of Auckburaully's iPhone 11 on his Behance page, and a video showcasing the design is embedded below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvmtrmAKtu0

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Factbox: A United Kingdom divided over Brexit - Results of EU election

Factbox: A United Kingdom divided over Brexit - Results of EU electionThe Brexit Party came out on top and smaller pro-European Union parties also gained ground, while the Conservatives and Labour hemorrhaged votes to parties that took unequivocal positions for or against Brexit. WHO GETS ELECTED?

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Nigerian President Buhari sworn in for second term

Nigerian President Buhari sworn in for second termNigerian President Muhammadu Buhari was sworn in for a second term in office on Wednesday, vowing once more to tackle crippling security threats and root out corruption in Africa's key economy. "I do solemnly swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Federal Republic of Nigeria," Buhari said, dressed in simple white robes and traditional embroidered cap. Buhari took the oath of office at what officials called a "low-key" ceremony.

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Book One of These Automotive Airbnb Experiences for Your Next Adventure

Book One of These Automotive Airbnb Experiences for Your Next Adventure

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Provoking trade disputes is 'naked economic terrorism': China tells US

We are against the trade war, but we are not afraid of it, vice foreign minister Zhang Hanhui said

from Latest News http://bit.ly/2KenCQq

Congress to stay away from TV debates for a month, says Randeep Surjewala

Congress is currently facing a crisis with party president Rahul Gandhi adamant on his decision to quit his post

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Delhi University 2019 UG admissions start today: How to apply online

Here are all the important details for Delhi University's admission process 2019

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EPFO recruitment 2019: How to apply for 280 vacancies for post of assistant

EPFO will conduct an online exam for the posts on July 30 and July 31. The entry level pay for the posts is Rs 44,900

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No sweat over Jet: India's aviation sector looks good even without it

If Jet Airways is taken out of the equation, passengers carried by India's airlines rose in April 2019

from Latest News http://bit.ly/2JI5bUw

134-yr-old Congress, party of India's independence, is now on life support

While historically Congress secured more than 25% of the vote share, it now hovers at less than 20%. That could signal the party is headed for a death spiral

from Latest News http://bit.ly/2WeLdHO

Climate change is causing mass 'die-offs' in seabirds such as puffins

We need to ensure we have robust monitoring systems in place to document these depressing changes in bird numbers

from Latest News http://bit.ly/2KdNRX1

Corbyn calls for election or referendum to get out of Brexit crisis

Labour has come under fire for sitting on the fence over Brexit and it remains unclear whether the party would back Leave or Remain in the next general election.

from Latest News http://bit.ly/2Mh23kQ

Narendra Modi Swearing-in Ceremony Live Streaming: When And Where to Watch

The Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance won the 2019 Lok Sabha elections with thumping majority of 353 seats out of the total 542 Lok Sabha seats, surpassing its 2014 tally of 336 seats.

from Top India News- News18.com http://bit.ly/2JMGdDE

Narendra Modi Swearing-in Ceremony: What is the Difference Between Oath of Office and Oath of Secrecy

The Third Schedule of the Indian Constitution provides for administering the oaths of Office for all constitutional posts in the country.

from Top India News- News18.com http://bit.ly/2Wi9ahz

Narendra Modi Swearing-in Ceremony: Here’s Who All Will be Attending

Several Opposition leaders have been invited for the ceremony, with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his Telangana counterpart K Chandrashekar Rao having accepted the invitation.

from Top India News- News18.com http://bit.ly/2EElVIk

Heatwave Intensifies, Chandrapur in Maharashtra Sizzles at 48 Degrees, Delhi at 43.1 Degrees Celsius

Heat wave to severe heat wave conditions are likely to continue over Vidarbha, in some parts of Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha over the next 2-3 days, according to the Indian Meteorological Department.

from Top India News- News18.com http://bit.ly/2Wd5L3b

32-year-old Arrested for Killing TikTok Celebrity in Delhi's Najafgarh

The accused hails from Jhajhar district in Haryana. He has also been involved in five cases of murder, attempt to murder and extortion, the DCP said.

from Top India News- News18.com http://bit.ly/2I5dSVL

Tendulkar to debut as on-air expert in WC

MUMBAI: Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar will make his debut as an on-air expert in the ICC ODI World Cup, starting Thursday in the United Kingdom.
The Master Blaster will take his place in the commentary box ahead of the tournament opener between hosts England and South Africa.
Tendulkar joins an illustrious panel of experts in the pre-show on Star Sports. He will have his own segment ‘Sachin Opens Again’.
The 46-year-old, who has represented India in six World Cups, holds the record for scoring the highest number of runs in a single edition of the World Cup, scoring 673 in 2003.
India opens its campaign on June 5 against South Africa. (AGENCIES)

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Modi meets Shah ahead of government formation

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday held a final round of consultations with BJP president Amit Shah and is learnt to have given shape to his council of ministers ahead of the swearing-in ceremony of his new government in the evening.

The list of union ministers is likely to be sent to the Rashtrapati Bhavan soon, sources said.

Capping a landslide election victory, Modi will take oath along with a new council of ministers for a second term at 7 pm.

Modi and Shah have held several rounds of discussions in the last two days ahead of government formation.

Sources said Modi government 2.0 is likely to have representation from most allies and showcase the party’s newfound strength in different regions.

BJP allies like Shiv Sena, JD(U), AIADMK, LJP, Akali Dal and Apna Dal are set to be represented in the government.

Each NDA ally is likely to get one cabinet berth, sources said.

The Shiv Sena has confirmed its leader Arvind Sawant, who defeated Congress heavyweight Milind Deora from Mumbai, will be its nominee in the council of ministers.

The Lok Janshakti Party has already passed a resolution recommending its president Ram Vilas Paswan as the party’s representative in the Modi government.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s decision to opt out on health grounds has fuelled speculation about who will get his coveted portfolio. Railway Minister Piyush Goyal, who filled in for Jaitley and presented the populist pre-election budget, is being seen as a key contender.

There is also a buzz about Shah, who has been elected to the Lok Sabha from Gandhinagar and is a key architect of the BJP’s thumping victory of 303 seats in the Lok Sabha, joining the government.

If Shah joins the Modi cabinet, he is likely to get one of the four major portfolios; Finance, Home, Defence or External Affairs.

The BJP has refrained from making any official comment about the likely members of the government, with its leaders asserting that it is the prime minister’s prerogative.

Senior party leaders like Rajnath Singh, Nitin Gadkari, Nirmala Sitharaman, Narendra Singh Tomar, Prakash Javadekar, Ravi Shankar Prasad, Dharmendra Pradhan and Smriti Irani are likely to join the second Modi government after being its members in its first avatar.

Irani defeated Congress president Rahul Gandhi in his family bastion Amethi.

The swearing-in ceremony in the forecourt of the Rashtrapati Bhavan is expected to be grand affair with about 8,000 guests, including leaders from the BIMSTEC countries, opposition leaders Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, chief ministers, corporate honchos and film stars, watching as President Ram Nath Kovind administers the oath of office and secrecy to 68-year-old Modi and his ministerial colleagues. (AGENCIES)

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‘Transformed’ England and India are favourites, says Pietersen

LONDON: A transformed England under Eoin Morgan and India are the favourites but “dark horses” Australia and “unpredictable” West Indies too have bright chances of lifting the ICC ODI World Cup, says Kevin Pietersen.

Asked to predict the winner, Pietersen, a former England captain, said: “India and England are probably the favourites. But the dark horses are Australia and the unpredictables are West Indies.”

The ICC World Cup begins Thursday with hosts England taking on South Africa in the opening game here.

Pietersen, who played along side Morgan in the past, heaped praise on the current skipper for transforming the current English side.

“Eoin Morgan has transformed them. I’m not surprised because I was sat on a train with him years ago, talking about the way we need to play positive cricket.

“It’s just beautiful to see the way English players are playing now. It’s something that makes me so happy, to see them fully committed to their strokes, the way they don’t fear failure, and how they are allowed to fail, the way they are backed,” he said.

Pietersen, 38, hoped England could cope up with the pressure of expectation from home fans in their bid towards maiden World Cup glory.

“I’m not so sure putting all the eggs in one basket is the smartest move. Because the common man still loves Test cricket,” he said at the official tournament opening ceremony here on Wednesday.

“I mean you guys have already said that they are winning the World Cup,” Pietersen told the assembled press.

“That’s the problem. I got back (to England) on Tuesday, and I’ve seen that England have already won the World Cup! According to you guys there is a lot of pressure and I know, as I have been part of that whole syndrome. (AGENCIES)

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Being underdogs suits New Zealand, says James Franklin

LONDON: Perennial dark horses New Zealand are characteristically lying low, hoping to give another impactful performance at the World Cup and the “underdog” tag augers well for them, said former all-rounder James Franklin.

Last edition’s finalist, New Zealand have reached the semi-final of the World Cup seven times. A team known to always punch above its weight, the Black Caps have tried every trick in the book to lay hands on their maiden title.

“New Zealand are in a sweet spot. No-one’s talking about us too much. We’re forever the underdogs and that suits us quite well,” Franklin, who has made 15 World Cup appearances for New Zealand, said at the official tournament opening here on Wednesday.

Since the last ODI World Cup, New Zealand have climbed as high as second in the ICC ODI rankings.

“We haven’t been leading the world, I think England have been in front in recent years, but we’ve still been playing very consistent cricket,” Franklin said.

New Zealand have landed in the United Kingdom on the back of a 3-0 series win against Bangladesh at home. They humbled tournament favourites India in their opening warm-up game before facing a massive 91-run defeat to the West Indies.

“If we can get some form going over the next few weeks, there’s no reason why New Zealand couldn’t go on and win the World Cup,” Franklin said.

“I think the New Zealand public and team will be confident they can go deep into the tournament,” he added.

Talking about the skipper, Franklin said Kane Williamson’s captaincy mirrors his batting – efficient and world class.

“I think Kane has a quietness about him, but he’s assertive and he knows what he wants.

“In terms of his leadership, his batting is probably a reflection of it. It’s methodical, but sneakily efficient and world-class. I think his captaincy is exactly the same. I don’t think he’s a Brendon McCullum-style leader, when you see everything and it’s attacking,” he said.

“Kane is measured, but knows exactly how he wants to manage his bowlers, his batsmen and what he wants New Zealand cricket to achieve,” Franklin added. (AGENCIES)

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US blocks over 46 mn in funds of terrorist groups: report

WASHINGTON: The US blocked more than USD 46 million in funds of designated terrorist groups, including Pakistan-based outfits, until the last year as part of its crackdown on foreign terrorist organisations and individuals, according to an annual report.

The report released by the US Department of Treasury states the US blocked nearly USD 400,000 in funds of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and USD 1,725 of the Jaish-e Mohammed.

The Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is the leading US Government agency responsible for implementing sanctions against the assets of international terrorist organisations and terrorism-supporting countries.

The federal body implements these sanctions as part of its general mission to administer and enforce economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals.

According to the report, till 2018, the US blocked more than USD 46.1 million in funds of designated terrorist groups and individuals, an increase of about USD 2.5 million than that of USD 43.6 million in 2017.

The list includes the Haqqani network (USD 3,626), the Harkat ul-Mujahidin (USD 11,988) and the Hizbul Mujahideen (USD 2,287).

For the Lashkar-I Jhangvi, the amount of funds blocked by the US dropped from USD 12,829 in 2017 to USD 10,962.

The report states there was a significant jump in Taliban funds blocked by the United States, which increased from USD 10,728 in 2017 to USD 206,805 in 2018.

However, for the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, the US had blocked a paltry USD 318 in 2018.

The US continues to block more than USD 500,000 in funds of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, which has remained the same for the past two years.

Notably the al-Qaeda tops the list of the blocked amount, In 2018, the US had blocked USD 6.4 million of the al Qaeda funds, which was nearly USD 900,000 less than the USD 7.3 million blocked in 2017.

The OFAC also blocked approximately USD 216.83 million in assets relating to the three designated state sponsors of terrorism in 2018 – Syria, Iran and North Korea. (AGENCIES)

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Money laundering case: Robert Vadra appears before ED again

NEW DELHI: Robert Vadra, the brother-in-law of Congress President Rahul Gandhi, Thursday appeared before the Enforcement Directorate in connection with a money laundering case linked to purchase of alleged illegal assets abroad, officials said.

Vadra was dropped by his wife and Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi outside the agency’s office near India Gate here at about 10:30 AM.

He was summoned to depose before the investigating officer of the case where his statement will be recorded under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).

He has appeared before the agency multiple times in the past in this case.

The agency has recently sought cancellation of the anticipatory bail given to Vadra and has also opposed his foreign travel.

A local court Wednesday had reserved for June 3 its order to allow Vadra to travel abroad.

The Enforcement Directorate (ED) also last week moved a court here seeking cancellation of the anticipatory bail given to Vadra in this case and the Delhi High Court had then issued notice to him seeking his response.

The ED had told the Delhi HC that it required Vadra’s custody as he was not cooperating in the investigation and and the trial court had not discussed the gravity of the offence in its order that gave relief to the high-profile businessman.

The ED case against Vadra relates to allegations of money laundering in the purchase of a London-based property located at 12, Bryanston Square worth 1.9 million GBP (British pounds), which is allegedly owned by him.

The agency had told a Delhi court that it has received information about various new properties in London which belong to Vadra. These include two houses, one worth 5 million GBP and the other valued at 4 million GBP, six other flats and more properties.

Vadra has denied the allegations of possessing illegal foreign assets and termed them a political witch hunt against him. He said he was being “hounded and harassed” to subserve political ends. (AGENCIES)

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Ahead of swearing in, Modi pays tributes to Gandhi, Vajpayee

NEW DELHI: Ahead of being sworn in as the prime minister for a second consecutive term, Narendra Modi Thursday morning paid tributes to Mahatma Gandhi and BJP veteran late Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

He also placed a wreath at the National War Memorial adjoining the India Gate here.

The prime minister visited Rajghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, around 7 am.

Later, he went to Sadaiv Atal, the lotus-shaped memorial of former prime minister Vajpayee.

Several senior BJP leaders, including party chief Amit Shah, were also present.

Later, in a series of tweets, Modi said, “This year, we mark the 150th Jayanti of Bapu. May this special occasion further popularise Bapu’s noble ideals and continue inspiring us to empower the lives of the poor, downtrodden and marginalised.”

Modi said Vajpayee would have been very happy to see the BJP get such a great opportunity to serve people.

“Motivated by Atal Ji’s life and work, we will strive to enhance good governance and transform lives,” the PM said.

Referring to his visit to the war memorial, he said, India is proud of all those brave men and women martyred in the line of duty.

“Our government will leave no stone unturned to safeguard India’s unity and integrity. National security is our priority,” he tweeted.

Modi and his council of ministers will take oath at 7 pm Thursday at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. (AGENCIES)

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Aircel-Maxis case: Delhi court extends protection from arrest to Chidambaram, Karti till Aug 1

NEW DELHI: A Delhi court Thursday extended till August 1 the interim protection from arrest granted to former Union Minister P Chidambaram and his son Karti in the Aircel-Maxis cases by the CBI and the ED.

Special Judge O P Saini extended the protection after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) sought three-weeks’ time to argue on their anticipatory bail plea, at which the lawyers appearing for Chidambarams requested for extension of interim protection granted to them earlier.

The agency said that its Special Director has gone to Singapore and it is to be seen if there would be any further development. The ED said they have details of the bank accounts which they are probing.

The case relates to alleged irregularities in grant of Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) approval in the Aircel-Maxis deal. (AGENCIES)

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Employment May 30, 2019

Urgently Required
CONTACT: 7006958355, 7780855186, 9596851417

Required Staff
Required Full Time Accountant with Computer Knowledge & Trained in Filling of GST returns for Medical Agency with Minimum (Experience of five years)
Need Two (2) Computer Operator For Medical Shop Proficient in Excel Minimum experience 1-2 Yrs
Required Peon for Office Work
M/S Hansraj & Sons (Agencies)
8, Resham Ghar Colony, Near Water Tank
Walk in Interview 4 – 5 pm
Contact At:- 9419189485

Construction Supervisor Required
Vikas Building Material requires experience Supervisor for construction sites apply with experience certificate.
Contact: 9419191971

Require male candidate for Tally Operator, Computer Operator at Kanak Mandi in Advocate Office.
Preference: Retired Person
Contact No:
9596733577, 9419186392

C.S.E (m/f) 10 nos.
FIXED SALARY:- 12,000 to 20,000 + Cab + Meal’s+ incentives
Shift : 6 am to 2 pm
Eligibility:- Excellent Command Over Spoken English
We Don’t Charge Registration Fee’s!
Venue:- 394 A Nr Lakshmi Narayan Mandir Gandhi Nagar #8713000033

part time cook
for home
Salary Rs 10,000 approx
Contact No.

Walk in interview
Applications are invited from the desired candidates for the below mentioned posts :-
Lecturer :- MA, M. Ed English MSc. M.Ed, MA M.Ed
Salary :- Negotiable
Date of Interview :- 7th June 2019
Vishwa Bharti College of Education Akalpur Morh Jammu
Phone No. 01912555054, 0191-2555575

Required Architect for
A1 Design Company.
Qualification: D-Arch, B.Arch
Address: Sainik Colony, Jammu

1. Service Advisor (M)
2. Parts Picker (M)
3. CCE (F)
For Leading two wheeler company computer basic must.
Interviews in first week of June
Contact: 9682180581
Email: jobs.dhawan@yahoo.com

Urgently Required
Marketing Manager – 15,000
Accountant – 20,000+
Sales Executive – 7,000
Security Guard – 10,000+
Sales Executive in Indian Oil- 12,000
Area Sales Manager – 18,000
Cashier – 10,000+
Driver – 10,000+
Talab Tillo near Sai Baba Mandir
Ph. No.: 9906300427

A Computer Operator having knowledge of MS-Office, DTP, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, etc.
Having good command on English Language.
Preferably two wheeler owner please contact:
9149706411, 9419763965

Anytime Fitness Club
Sales Executive (M) – 4
Sales Executive (F) – 4
Fitness Trainers (M) – 5
Fitness Trainers (F) – 5
Housekeeping – 5
Ph: 9055064477
1st Floor, Plot No. 28/9, Narwal, Jammu

1. RMO 2 Floor Manager
3 O.T. Technician 4 NICU Staff
5 Receptionist 6 N.O (Male)
Send your C V with testimonial to hr.sddmhospital@gmail.com
Contact No: 0191-2464637-40
Address: NH, Sector-2, Channi Himmat, Jammu

Job Vacancies
Salary: 25,000/- to 80,000/-
Ground Staffs, Supervisors, Chaker, Loders, Helpers (Lunch+Cab+Bonus)

90-180 Days
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8th, 10th, 12th, Graduate Pass / Reappear
csjkstxkj yM+ds @ yM+fd;ksa ds fy, lqugjk volj
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feys BIODATA lfgr 3 fnu ds vUnj
63/A Top Floor Last Morh
Gandhi Nagar Jammu (Highway Road) (Near NAC Car)

Required staff for cafe
Bartender M/F (mocktails) =2
Floor manager M/F ( service)=2
Tandoor boy =1
Housekeeping =2
Freshers can also apply
Cont no . 9070408888

Urgently Required
Ved Mandir Bal-Niketan requires
the following staff
1. An experienced Driver- 1 No.
(Salary negotiable)
2. Cook – 1 No. (Salary negotiable)
They should report immediately to the Secretary for interview.
Telephone Number :- 0191-2549607, 2566790
Ved Mandir Committee
Ambphalla, Jammu

Urgently Required Staff
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* Candidates required having prior relevant work experience. Freshers also required.
Salary : Rs 20,000 to Rs 60,000 p.m.
Contact us : Email : info@aaafeeds.com
Phone : 9419154171, 8899214171

Class 11th and 12th in the following
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce
Forward your CV with testimonial to
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Shortlisted candidate would be contacted
For more information Contact :

5 Red Cross Bhawan Kachi Chawni Jammu
* Lab Facilities
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Male & Female 24 x7
Contact 8715866444

Urgently Required
Production Supervisor :
+ 2/Graduate
Fresher/Exp. Both Salary 10 to 20 Thousand
Documentation : 12th/Graduate,
Fresher/Exp: Salary 8 to 12 thousand

An opportunity for unemployed youth in J&K State for official & Non- official work at different branches like Jammu, Doda, Bhaderwah & Banihal.
Note : Freshers can also apply
Qualification : 8th, 10th,12th, Graduate & above
Income : 12,000 to 22500 P/M (as per Co. Rule)
Interested candidates can Contact on below
mentioned numbers
Gandhi Nagar Jammu (9906029039/ 9796256081)
Doda (9622291947)
Bhaderwah (7006775649)

Staff Required
(ii) Supervisor
(iii Receptionist knowledge of Computers
(iv) O. T Technician
(v) Lab. Technician
(vi) Driver
Contact : 7006307175

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Submit monthly progress reports

The State Government has asked all its departmental heads and other officials to file monthly progress report on major developmental activities in their respective departments , why should the same not be submitted without fail? Again, why should there be no response even after repeated instructions and reminders from the concerned authorities?
Such an uncalled for attitude is unwarranted and is tantamount to daring flouting of directives of the Government and technically speaking, making the defaulters themselves ineligible to receive salaries from the public exchequer. Our concern is not to the extent of highlighting the goings on in almost all departments run by the State as in the instant case, but also to bring home to such officials that it is the magnanimity of the Government and its top concerned bureaucratic hierarchy in not invoking the covenants of pay only against work done in full and that does not mean directives of the Government can be afforded to conveniently ignored and not cared for. There are various centrally sponsored schemes going on in the state and the levels of their implementation and the progress of work and areas of weaknesses and shortcomings could only be known if relevant data duly consolidated reached the concerned ministries and sponsoring agencies only when their status was regularly submitted.
For what purpose have the appointment of Nodal Officers in all wings of the State Government been conceived and why are they not appointed in all departments and wherever the ones have been appointed, why have they not been advised about their critical role in matters of coordination and rapport with Planning , Development and Monitoring Departments in this regard? It is absolutely not optional , not in the least, that information collected from various departments is needed to be submitted in a consolidated manner to the designated state authority , in the instant matter ,to the Principal Secretary to the Governor by 3rd of every month. There being explicit and clear cut instructions from the Government in this regard. We have reports that the requisite information in respect of most of the period of 2018 is still not submitted not to speak of relating to the current year. Excepting taking a ‘serious note’ by the Governor’s Secretariat for causing inordinate delays, dilly dallying and even ignoring in respect of furnishing such information on monthly basis followed by issuing of yet many reminders, nothing else as required under rules and procedures is done.
We would stress upon the urgency of exhibiting a culture of pure business by the Government in matters of administration and linking payment of salaries and allowances with the work or the assignment done by the state officials and not merely subject their inaction to the extent of issuing reminders and circulars alone. The slogan of good governance or performance is “perform or perish” . The message is clear and irreversible and needs to be effectively convened to the non performing officials of the State departments.

The post Submit monthly progress reports appeared first on Jammu Kashmir Latest News | Tourism | Breaking News J&K.

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सेल्फी आपके बारे में बहुत कुछ कहती है और आपके व्यक्तित्व के कई राज खोलती है. आइए जानते हैं कैसे...

from Latest News ट्रेंड्स News18 हिंदी http://bit.ly/2JJQGzs

भारत के हर घर में रोज शाम होती है एक 'देवी' की पिटाई!

2019 की Oxfam इक्ववैलिटी और इनइक्वैलिटी रिपोर्ट के तहत मर्दों के लिए औरतों पर हाथ उठाना और उन्हें फटकारना गलत नहीं था...

from Latest News ट्रेंड्स News18 हिंदी http://bit.ly/2I0Xvtt

Who will be sworn in today? Modi meets Shah for third time in 3 days

The list of Union ministers is likely to be sent to the Rashtrapati Bhavan soon, sources said. Narendra Modi and Amit Shah have held several rounds of discussions in the last two days. BJP allies like Shiv Sena, JD(U), AIADMK, LJP, Akali Dal and Apna Dal are set to be represented in the govt. Modi will take oath along with a new council of ministers for a second term at 7pm.

from Times of India http://bit.ly/2I4I6Iu

Live: New ministers to meet PM Modi at 4:30 pm

Narendra Modi is set to take oath as the Prime Minister of India for the second consecutive term today. President Ram Nath Kovind will administer the oath of office and secrecy at the function. Stay here for live updates.

from Times of India http://bit.ly/2VWKTIJ

As US IT firm cuts jobs, India amongst most hit

US IT services firm DXC –formed in 2017 with the merger of CSC and HP Enterprise’s service business – let go of 10,000 people, or 7% of its workforce, in the last fiscal as part of a turnaround plan. At least half of these job cuts were in India. The entity’s total headcount was 1.7 lakh around the time the merger was announced, but it’s now down to 1.33 lakh.

from Times of India http://bit.ly/2YV79EI

How Modi, Shah visits proved pivotal for Surya

from Times of India http://bit.ly/2QxGBX3

Are LS results end of the road for Siddaramaiah?

Siddaramaiah, the face of Karnataka Congress, is facing flak from his own partymen who blame him for Congress’ worst-ever showing in Lok Sabha polls in the state. “Siddaramaiah was the one who created doubts in the minds of Congress and JD(S) voters by letting the ‘Siddaramaiah for CM’ clamour grow,” said a senior Congress leader. “Though he campaigned jointly with JD(S) leaders in the Old Mysuru region to undo the damage, the expected transfer of votes did not happen.”

from Times of India http://bit.ly/2HIp9fH

Production-spec Kia SP spied fully undisguised

There’s less than a month to go for the global debut of the Kia SP2i, which is set to take place on June 20, 2019. However, you won’t have to wait that long, as the production-spec Kia SP SUV has been spotted fully undisguised during a TV commercial shoot abroad, and the new spy pictures reveal a few key details.

First, the name. While the Kia SP spied in these pictures bears the Seltos name, it could have a different name for India. Kia is understood to have readied region-specific versions of the SP, and while Kia may christen it the Seltos for certain markets abroad, in India, it could be named the Kia Trailster.

As expected, the production-spec Kia SP2i remains largely similar to the SP Signature concept (revealed at the 2019 Seoul motor show) in terms of design. Replacing the Signature’s small, fancy-looking ORVMs are bigger units, and the 19-inch alloy wheels have made way for 18-inch wheels wrapped in 225/45-section Kumho tyres, even though the design of the dual-tone alloys remains the same.

Taking pride of place up front is the bold ‘Tiger Nose’ grille sitting between sharp-looking LED headlights, seemingly connected by a LED light bar atop the grille. The Kia Seltos sports a contrast roof, slim LED fog lamps, pull-type door handles, a chrome strip on the A-pillar, a chrome-finished window line that rises sharply towards the rear, prominent roof rails and a chunkier chrome bar connecting the mildly reshaped tail-lights.

Another interesting point to note is that the Kia Seltos seen in these pictures sports the T-GDi and 4WD badges, which indicates there will be a turbo-petrol, four-wheel drive version on offer in some markets. One of the interior sketches Kia revealed recently showed off what looked like a drive mode selector with ‘Off-Road’ marked on top of the dial, which indicates the Kia SP2i will also have a certain degree of off-road ability.

The spy pictures don’t reveal much of the Kia Seltos’ interior, but one shot does show the black-and-brown colour scheme on the inside. The Kia SP2i’s interior is expected to be well-appointed and will get a handful of segment-first features as well. Equipment on offer is likely to include a large touchscreen infotainment system, a 360-degree camera, wireless charging and in-car WiFi. A head-up display and an ambient lighting package will also likely be on offer on the top-spec variant.

At launch, the Kia SP2i’s engine options are expected to include a 1.5-litre petrol and a 1.5-litre diesel engine. Both engine options are likely to be BS6-ready, but could be BS4-compliant at launch. Both engines will be available with a choice of manual and automatic gearboxes, and Kia is even working on a sportier variant of the SP SUV, with a 140hp, 1.4-litre turbo-petrol engine paired to a 7-speed dual-clutch automatic gearbox with paddleshifters.

When it is launched in the months following its India reveal, the Kia SP’s price will be in the range of Rs 10-16 lakh (ex-showroom). At that price point, the SP will rival the Hyundai Creta, Nissan Kicks, Renault Captur, Tata Harrier, and even the lower variants of the Jeep Compass and the upcoming MG Hector.

What do you think of the Kia Seltos’ looks? Let us know in the comments.

Click here for more Kia SP pictures, details and info

IMAGE SOURCE: Chris Doane Automotive via Autoblog

from Autocar India http://bit.ly/2EJQ5tw

Ferrari SF90 Stradale breaks cover

Ferrari has taken the wraps off the most powerful, most advanced and fastest-accelerating road car it has ever produced: the SF90 Stradale.

The new flagship Ferrari is also the first series production plug-in hybrid vehicle from the brand. It's the second of five new models to be presented this year – an “unprecedented” product rollout, according to the Italian firm.

Dubbed Project 173 during development, the production name (SF90) is taken from the Ferrari’s 2019 Formula 1 car and is also a reference to 90 years since Scuderia Ferrari was founded. Unlike with the LaFerrari, production is limited only to the amount the firm can sell, with 2,000 customers from around the world lined up already.

The most significant number for the SF90 Stradale is 1,000. That's the total horsepower figure that the petrol-electric powertrain makes: about 36hp more than the LaFerrari's and the most of any road going Ferrari ever built.

The heart of the car is Ferrari’s award-winning ‘F154’ twin-turbocharged V8, bored out from the 3,902cc of the 488 Pista to 3,990cc.  The resulting output of the engine alone is 780hp, with 800Nm of torque at 6,000rpm. The new engine design – in which the turbocharger is mounted lower and the flywheel is smaller – results in a lower centre of gravity. The exhaust system also makes use of the super-alloy Inconel, instead of steel, to save weight. Ferrari claims a “fuller, richer” sound for the exhaust.  Complementing the V8 is a trio of electric motors – two mounted at the front and one mounted at the rear between the engine and gearbox that in combination provide all-wheel drive. All three generate a total of 220hp to make the 1,000hp total. They are powered by a relatively small (7.9kWh) lithium-ion battery pack that makes the SF90 Stradale capable of 25.7km of electric-only running at speeds of up to 135kph. The battery can be charged either by plugging it in (no charging time has been revealed) or using the engine as a generator.

The two power systems are channelled through a newly developed 8-speed dual-clutch automatic gearbox. It’s lighter and more compact than the outgoing 7-speed unit and promises an 8 percent reduction in fuel consumption in normal driving on the WLTP cycle. Shifts are also claimed to be 30 percent faster. The advancements also extend to the brakes, with Ferrari recording a 160-0kph stopping distance 2m shorter than the LaFerrari.

All of this results a 0-100kph time of 2.5sec, which is a record for a road-going Ferrari. Furthermore, 0-200kph takes 6.7sec, while the top speed (claimed not to be the main performance focus) is 342kph. Ferrari also says the new car pulls out a 64-metre lead from the LaFerrari in one lap around its Fiorano test track.

A new power mode selector, dubbed eManettino, provides four driving modes. eDrive keeps the engine switched off for as long as the battery lasts, while Hybrid is the default setting, balancing both power sources. Performance and Qualify add increasing levels of go-faster capability.

The SF90 Stradale’s exterior is designed to provide the optimum balance between maintaining the style, heritage and proportions of classic Ferraris and employing advanced aerodynamics.

Two bodystyles are available on the SF90 Stradale: the standard one and the Assetto Fiorano package, which is aimed at forgoing some comfort in the name of offering better track pace. It features a taller rear spoiler for increased downforce, a more stripped-out interior and bespoke carbonfibre detailing, resulting in a weight reduction of 30kg. It also gets Michelin Cup 2 tyres with a bespoke compound instead of the Pirelli P Zero tyres available on the standard car.

The SF90 Stradale's shorter overhangs – including a rear one that’s shorter than the front – have created a cab-forward layout that's said to emphasise the mid-engined look and feel. The cabin area is 20mm lower than on previous Ferraris and is bubble-shaped with larger rear flying buttresses – a classic Ferrari design cue. Slim C-shape headlights are integrated in the brake air intakes and use matrix LED technology, while the tail-pipes are centrally mounted and higher than ever before.

Ferrari claims the SF90 Stradale is “the new benchmark for downforce and efficiency in high-performance road cars”. The headline figure is 390kg of downforce generated at 250kph – 30kg more than the LaFerrari.

The stand-out bodywork element is a part of the rear wing. Dubbed the ‘shut-off Gurney’, it’s a mobile section of the spoiler that, in high-downforce conditions, is lowered towards the body to create new tail geometry, or raised up when low drag is needed for straight-line speed. A complex system of vortex generators and two front diffusers ensure airflow from the front to the rear is optimised.

As with the rest of the car, the SF90 Stradale’s interior is totally new. Even entering it is a different process, with a new keyless entry system incorporating a key that is shaped and styled like the Ferrari logo and doors that open via push buttons from the inside.

The dashboard is dominated by a completely new interface and a 16-inch curved digital instrument cluster. All car functions and infotainment are controlled through this, with only a handful of touch-sensitive icons on either side of the steering wheel for climate and driving assistance functions.

A head-up display also features for the first time, but it’s the new steering wheel that's most significant. Ferrari claims 80 percent of the car’s functions can be controlled from here, citing that “eyes on the road, hands on the wheel” was a key safety motivation during development.

Despite the technological advances, a few classic touches still remain, including the gear selections built into an ‘H-gate’-style metal gear lever.

Ferrari is remaining coy about the exact pricing figure for the SF90 Stradale, claiming it will be revealed later.

The car is a series production model, with of the 2,000 customers who are invited to see the car, “most have already ordered one. Anyone who orders now will have a long wait” according to sources.   The first deliveries are tipped to begin in Italy in the first quarter of 2020.

Also see:

2020 Ferrari SF90 Stradale hybrid image gallery

Click here for Ferrari India models, prices, reviews, features, videos, images and more

from Autocar India http://bit.ly/2WanjNw

Sponsored Feature: Hometown Hero - Mango Run in a Renault Duster

Sometimes, familiar roads lead to new destinations and to new perspectives. If that sounds a touch philosophical, let me elaborate. I am, as I suppose you all are, a massive mango fan, and when I say mango, I mean the Alphonso or Hapus. I could write a thesis on them, and I always believed that there was the Alphonso, and there were the rest.

That was until earlier this year when a Goan friend of mine asked me whether I had ever tasted the Mankurad. He rubbished the Alphonso, and called it a poor cousin of the Mankurad. My curiosity was piqued, and as luck would have it, I was asked to head out in a Renault Duster AMT for the first leg of our mango run to, of all places, Goa. So, there I was last month, pointing the Duster’s pugnacious nose down south. But what exactly is the Mankurad? And why is it that most mango lovers, especially those in Mumbai,  have never heard of it? The Mankurad is grown in Goa, and it is in such demand in the tiny state that it is rarely seen in other parts of the country. The name, apparently, is a corruption of the Portuguese Malcorado (poor in colour), but, as my friend pointed out, the mangoes have an intense aroma and burst with flavour. I might have been curious, but I was still a sceptic, and I carried that scepticism all through our journey, which began on a steaming Wednesday morning.

Old roads, new journeys

I can never tire of going to Goa, and the windows of the Duster framed familiar yet soothing sights – trees in full bloom in summer, makeshift neera stalls by the roadside, and hundreds of cars packed with happy families off on their holiday. I was also glad that I was in a car I was familiar with. It’s been about seven years since Renault launched it here, and it’s had a recent update making it as indefatigable as ever. The variant I was driving was the AMT, which is basically a 6-speed automated manual transmission mated to the doughty 110hp motor. Like all automatics, the AMT is supposed to make driving in the rotting traffic of cities less of a chore, which it does, of course. But, as importantly, I found it to be a good companion on highways as well. With its happy and powerful diesel, and the tall sixth gearing that made for great cruising, we munched the miles from Mumbai to Goa and hit the sun-kissed state earlier than we expected to. Also impressive was the Duster’s fuel efficiency. It returned a healthy 17kpl on our trip. In other words, I reached Goa with lots of fuel to spare. Here’s what I jotted down in my notepad on that evening by the beach – ‘Why doesn’t the Duster have a dead pedal?’ ‘Gearshifts mostly and pleasantly seamless’; ‘Prefer shifting manually around corners; thank god for manual mode’; and ‘Early morning meeting with Nestor Rangel at Valpoi’.

Nestor Rangel is a genial man in his late 30s. He is among those Goans who have taken it upon themselves to conserve the Mankurad mango and help popularise it. The cultivation of the Mankurad is not as popular as other more established mango varieties, and one of the main reasons is that it does not travel well. Rangel owns several mango orchards in Valpoi, which is about 40km from Panaji, and among the mangoes he grows there is the Mankurad. Before driving to Valpoi, I hit the fruit markets around Mapusa to check out the object that had made me drive this far. The Mankurad looks a lot like the Alphonso mango, though it feels a lot fleshier. But its aroma is distinct and a touch heavier than its more famous neighbour. And it wafted through the Duster’s cabin, as we drove towards Valpoi, flicking the car into narrow lanes, deftly negotiating a late morning surge in traffic, and riding roughshod over some especially rough patches of road. The AMT was a boon in and around chaotic Panaji, and as I switched to the highway and floored the pedal, the Duster stayed reassuringly stable even at triple-digit speeds, just like it did on our way from Mumbai to Goa.

King of mangoes

Rangel smiles a lot when he talks about the Mankurad. You can see he is intensely passionate about this mango variety. He tells me that most farmers in Goa grow the mango variety organically and they do it out of passion. “Its short shelf life means export and even long-distance transportation within the country is an issue. Again, we avoid pesticides and hybrid ripening. That means it ripens naturally, and that is responsible for its distinct taste,” says Rangel.

Mangoes grown in Goa were always much sought after, especially after the arrival of the Portuguese into the region. The Portuguese popularised modern grafting techniques, and soon enough the reputation of its mangoes spread all over the world. Apart from the Mankurad, the other mangoes that are much in demand include the Hilario, Fernandin, Xavier and Monserrate.

Desa, a Goan based in Qatar, is another Mankurad aficionado. In early May, Desa, along with fellow Mankurad lovers who form part of Transform Goa, an NGO, organised the second edition of the All Goa Mankurad Festival. “I have eaten mangoes from all over the world, and there is nothing like the Mankurad,” says Desa, echoing what every Goan fervently believes. Desa says that 20 vendors participated in the most recent edition of the festival, and over 1,000 people turned up to both buy the mangoes and express their solidarity. With support from the state government, Transform Goa plans to introduce Mankurad to the world. “We will encourage private land owners to plant saplings, create a cooperative movement. In April and May, all roads in Goa should give out the aroma of the mango, and this can be achieved by planting the mangoes along the roads in the state,” says Desa. Plans are also afoot to involve the Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, in Goa, which, Desa hopes, will help Mankurad enthusiasts get the hang of better grafting techniques.

Sweet surrender

Rangel gifted me some Mankurad mangoes, and I purchased more from the markets around Mapusa. Mankurad sells for about the same price as Alphonsos in Goa, for about Rs 400-Rs 600 a dozen, and the price is only slightly negotiable, if at all. Obviously, vendors know they will always find buyers for the Mankurad. The Duster’s commodious boot easily swallowed up the dozens of mangoes I purchased, and I made my way back to Mumbai early next day. Once back home, late at night, I sliced open a Mankurad and bit into it. The first thing that hits you is the flavour: it is indescribably rich, and combined with that distinctive aroma, it creates a delightful impression on your palate. It is almost as sweet as the Alphonso, and definitely way juicier. I didn’t stop at one. In fact, after consuming about three, I realised that unlike Alphonsos, which taste more or less the same, each Mankurad tastes slightly different from the other. There is no monotony of taste, so to speak. Does that mean that the Mankurad is my new favourite? Not yet, but it might soon get there. 


from Autocar India http://bit.ly/2Md7gtB

PhotoGallery: 2020 Ferrari SF90 Stradale hybrid image gallery

from Autocar India http://bit.ly/2WrmejR

Sponsored feature: The weekend explorer

On One of these weekends, just before the skies open up, get out of home early, start your car, and see Mumbai city with fresh eyes. It is a more enjoyable activity than you’d think (after all, how many weekends will you sleep in?) and if you have a car like the Hyundai Creta, you and your family have the perfect steed to introduce you to things you probably didn’t know about your city. This is what we did last month in our Hyundai Creta, which is equipped with a 1.6 CRDI with a variable geometry turbocharger. Here is how it went.

Parks and recreation

How long have you been living in Mumbai, and how many times have you visited the Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) in Borivali? Well, irrespective of how many times you’ve actually been there, the point is that you should be doing it more often.

Why? Here’s one fundamental reason: SGNP, which covers over 100 sq km, is the largest park in the world that is located within a city’s limits – but wait, there’s more. Not only is it huge, it contains Vihar and Tulsi lakes, which contribute significantly to the city’s water requirements; and it is also home to the Kanheri Caves, which are ancient Buddhist monasteries cut into rock faces and located about 6km from the main entrance to the park. Obviously, there is a variety of flora and fauna in there as well, including lions and tigers (housed in separate parts of the park), leopards, of course, and colourful birds as well.

As you drive towards the park, along a narrow road lined with trees on both sides, what will stand out is the silence. And you’ll wonder: How you put up with Mumbai’s cacophony, day in and day out? The Creta is a good companion to have in the park. It might have a powerful diesel engine, but it’s very refined and quiet, and the engine pulls the car along nicely. With the wide torque band – max torque in the Creta is produced at 1,500-3,000rpm – travellers can coast comfortably and quietly all the way to SGNP’s parking lot, from where one switches over to safari buses.

Rock of ages

Gilbert Hill, in Andheri, is about 65 million years old. It was formed during the Mesozoic era and is a vertical column of black basalt that shot up from under the Earth’s surface during periods of volatile volcanic activity. Today, the 200ft Hill is surrounded by slums and residential complexes; and chances are you might have to negotiate challenging traffic as you make your way towards it. Thankfully, the Creta has a handle on such stuff. It is extremely adept at negotiating the urban environment. That includes Mumbai’s roads, which often feature the most exasperating undulations. Although the Creta’s suspension sorts them out with aplomb. The steering is light, so you can flick the car in and out of tight situations. The strong mid-range comes in handy while performing quick overtaking manoeuvres; and the 6-speed gearbox is a joy to use. What adds to the special feeling of driving just the right car are the features the Creta is loaded with: an electric sunroof, a powered driver’s seat, cruise control, wireless phone charging, and a dedicated app that tracks driving patterns and vehicle health.

Gilbert Hill is widely believed to be one of the three oldest structures in the world, and thankfully (in a city where unscrupulous builders prey on every available piece of land) is a protected Grade II heritage structure. The other two ancient geological structures are in the US.

Right at the top of the hill are two temples, each dedicated to Hanuman and Gaondevi Durga, respectively. Get out of the car, crane your neck, and gaze in wonder at the hill which would have been witness to the rise of humanity; and as you start to walk back to your car, reflect on how far we have come since then.

Art Dekko

You’ve probably driven on Marine Drive a zillion times, and gazed at the buildings along the waterfront, from Nariman Point to Chowpatty. They are elegant all right, but did you know that they are very special? Mumbai has the world’s second-largest collection of Art Deco buildings, after Miami.

But first: what is Art Deco? Art Deco was a movement in the visual arts and architecture born in France in the 1920s, and was popular in both western Europe and the US, right until the mid-1930s. Among other things, Art Deco was characterised by geometrics, visual drama and bold colours. Mumbai, which was then India’s commercial hub (as it is now), embraced Art Deco and made it its own. In a way, the modernist architectural style represented the city’s aspirations. Besides Marine Drive, one can find Art Deco buildings in other parts of south Mumbai, and these buildings include theatres – Eros, Liberty, Regal, Metro – commercial establishments and hospitals.

Taking a tour of the Art Deco precincts of the city was great fun in the Creta. Marine Drive, as always, gave the car an opportunity to stretch its legs. Since we are talking about speed, it would be prudent to mention that the car is also equipped with ABS, ESC, and six airbags.

Steps this way

The Town Hall, which houses the Asiatic Society of Mumbai, is one of the city’s oldest libraries and probably has the most famous steps in Mumbai. With its pedimented portico with eight Doric columns, cosy chairs in the ‘periodicals’ room, and the grand Durbar Hall, the building, which was constructed in 1830, is home to over 1,00,000 books, as well as coins, relics, periodicals and manuscripts. Among the books is an original Italian manuscript of Dante’s Divine Comedy. If you happen to reach there early enough – the library shuts at 6:30pm – enquire and make a note about membership details, and ensure you sign up soon enough. Once you’ve done that, drive around the Fort area, where the library is located. Drop into one of its many popular restaurants – Ideal Café, for instance – and treat yourself and your family to an excellent dinner. The drive back home awaits, but it’s been a good day, as it always is when you are in a Creta.

from Autocar India http://bit.ly/2WufktV


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